• magento installation

    Magento Installation

    Magento is an amazing platform, but the installation process can be challenging. We can help you navigate the initial setup process so you can bypass the trial-and-error stage and get the most out of your store!

    What We Do

    If you need help installing Magento or any other aspect surrounding the launch of your store, we got you! In our 8 years of work with Magento, we’ve worked with many different types of stores and know every aspect of a successful launch. We’ll set up your store in no time and answer any questions you might have so you can confidently manage your store.

    Here’s some of what we can help you with:

    Hosting consultation

    We’ll recommend you hosting or help you set up your server. We’ve partnered with several leading hosting providers that specialize in Magento hosting to provide you with a wide range of options. Based on your requirements, we’ll help you select the best one and, if needed, set the hosting up ourselves.

    Magento Installation

    We’ll install the latest Magento version and optimize the settings for your specific needs. Our developers will set up the infrastructure in a way that will make maintenance and code updates easier. If you’ve already finished the installation process, we’ll review everything to make sure everything is set up correctly.

    Extensions Installation

    Magento has a huge community of developers that make custom modules to add all kinds of functionality. We can help you install the extensions you’ve already chosen, or provide you with a list of must-have modules, and recommendations based on the functionality you want your store to have.

    We know that everyone’s needs are different, and your business is unique. If we do not find a solution that will completely cover your needs, we are always there to bring your ideas to reality with custom development.

    Payment and Shipping Options Integration

    Give us a list of shipping companies you work with, and payment methods you want your customers to be able to use, and we’ll add the functionality for it to your store.

    Data Import

    If you need to add the products to your store, but don’t have the time to manually enter all the information yourself, we’ll help you. Give us a list of products and related information, and we’ll set up the initial data import for you.


    To help you explore the full power of your new store, we can provide you with manuals suited for beginners. We’ll give your our recommendations on maintenance, security, and answer other questions you may have.

    How We Work

    1. Talking Stage  

    We like to start our work together with a conversation with you. We introduce ourselves and how we work, listen to your ideas and discuss different ways to implement them. Our goal is to understand your business and the challenges you face, so we can offer the best solution to your problems.

    2. Audit

    We continue our work by conducting a detailed analysis of your project. We take a closer look at your store, look at the best practices on the market, and collect all the data we need. The audit can be comprehensive or address only specific areas you choose. 

    3. Development

    You can send the list of issues to your development team, or allow us to fix them. If you continue to work with us, then after we agree on a plan, we start the development process. Our developers will work on solving all of the issues with your store, without affecting its look or functionality. We’ll always keep you updated on our process, and you get to choose how involved in the process you want to be. 

    4. QA and Delivery 

    After the changes are implemented, our QA specialist will test everything in different environments and ensure that everything works as intended and meets all required criteria. After that we finalize everything and you enjoy your shiny new website 🙂

    5. Support

    Even after the development process is over, we’ll still support your store. We’ll keep everything updated and working properly, do scheduled security checks and install updates, and make other changes you may need.

    “number 1”

    Transparent Communication

    You’ll have access to every part of the project so you can track what stage we are at at any given moment.

    “number 2”

    Seamless Integration With Your Team

    Our clients say our developers feel like a part of their team.

    “number 3”

    Excellent Technical Expertise

    We have 8+ years experience in ecommerce, and are always ready to share our knowledge.

    “number 4”

    We Work Well With Your Busy Schedule

    Different time zones and tight deadlines are not a problem.

    “number 5”

    Efficient Delivery

    We always test and double-check everything, so you can rest assured that the code you’ll get will be bug-free from the get-go.

    “number 6”

    Flexible Cooperation Models

    Every business is different and requires a different approach. We offer outsourcing, team extension, and dedicated team services, and together we can choose what’s best for you.

    All of this is taken directly from our Clutch reviews.

    Contact Us And Get a Quote