• E-commerce Migration for a Swiss Pet Retailer

    E-commerce Migration for a Swiss Pet Retailer

    Client: A B2C retailer specializing in pet products, based in Switzerland.

    Challenge: The client was operating on the outdated Magento 1 platform, which was no longer supported, posing significant security risks and limiting functional scalability.


    • Transition to the modern and supported Magento 2 platform to enhance performance, security, and user experience.
    • Implement the Hyvä theme to improve responsiveness and page loading speeds.


    A dedicated team comprising one frontend developer, two backend developers, and a project manager was assembled to undertake the migration from Magento 1 to Magento 2, utilizing the Hyvä theme to optimize performance and enhance the user interface.

    Implementation Steps:

    1. Planning and Analysis: Evaluating the existing site architecture and data to identify key areas requiring attention during migration.
    2. Magento 2 Environment Setup: Installing and configuring the new platform, including server setups, database configurations, and integrated tools.
    3. Data Migration: Transferring user data, product catalog, and order history to the new platform with minimal downtime.
    4. Development and Testing: Customizing the Hyvä theme to ensure rapid page loading and responsive design. Developing custom functionalities tailored to the business’s unique requirements and conducting extensive testing to ensure security and functionality.
    5. Launch and Optimization: Going live with the new site followed by ongoing performance optimization and SEO enhancement.


    • Improved site performance with a 70% increase in page load speed due to the Hyvä theme.